Biom3ga™ Krill Oil
I take Biom3ga Krill Oil twice daily. Not all marine oils are the same…and where it is harvested from makes a HUGE difference.
I just read a review by David Williams, MD, which revealed that more than 90% of the entire US population is choline deficient.
- The symptoms of choline deficiency reflect half the body of studies demonstrating the benefits of krill oil. As we know, krill oil delivers omega-3 PUFAs in a natural phospholipid (choline) bound molecule. 58 different choline molecules have been identified in Biom3ga™ Krill Oil.
- The best food sources of choline include egg yolks, animal liver, brain and organ meats, fish eggs, sardines, scallops and shrimp (krill is a tiny shrimp-like crustacean). Based on this list, it is no wonder that the U.S. population is deficient. Dr. Williams reports that the minimum daily intake has been set at 550 mg/day for men and 425 mg/day for women. Each Biom3ga™ krill oil softgel contains 200 mg choline.
How the body uses choline: Cardiovascular health.
The body produces betaine from choline. Betaine helps reduce homocysteine, an independent risk factor for CVD. Extra homocysteine is converted to cysteine, which is converted to glutathione. Glutathione is the most valuable cellular antioxidant, and a primary compound the liver uses for detoxification.
Prevent fat from accumulating in the liver.
Studies have demonstrated that humans eating low-choline diets develop fatty liver and liver damage. Effects of a choline-deficient diet range anywhere from fatty liver to cancer.
Support cell membrane integrity.
Along with phosphatidylcholine, choline is used to make sphingomeyelin, another phospholipid. Both are structural components of all human cell membranes.
Support healthy nerve transmission.
Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, one of the primary neurotransmitters. Acetylcholine is directly involved in muscle control, the conduction of pain, the process of memory and learning, and REM sleep cycles. Choline micronutrient deficiency in infants can cause permanent brain changes in regions of the brain responsible for learning and memory.
The published benefits of krill oil include:
Reducing cardiovascular risk. As measured by a reduction in hsCRP of 19-31% in 7-30 days, 500 mg/day of krill oil reduces inflammation, and consequently CVD risk. 3 And as measured by a significant increase in the plasma omega-3 index. 4 As well as effecting increases in plasma HDL, reduction in LDL, triglycerides and glucose.
Ectopic fat reduction. Krill oil manages reequilibration of body fat deposition away from the heart and liver, reducing the risk of NAFLD and cardiovascular disease.
Cognitive Function. Krill oil increased concentration, focus and planning skills by 40-60% in adult patients with ADHD after taking 500 mg/day krill oil for 3 and 6 months.
Women’s Health. Krill oil reduced physical and emotional effects of PMS far more significantly than fish oil in a 2003 published study of women taking 2g/d krill oil for 10 days per month.
Joint Health. Reduction of inflammation and increase in WOMAC scores for arthritis patients taking only 300 mg/d krill oil.
Brain Health. Biom3ga™ krill oil significantly improved learning and working memory and displayed antidepressant-like effects. In comparison to Imipramine, administration of krill oil did not lead to sedation, which is a regular problem with classic antidepressants. In combination with a previous human study on adult ADHD, we confirm effective phospholipid-bound DHA and EPA absorption through the blood/brain barrier.
Phantom Concerns
Antarctic krill and the resources of the Southern Ocean are managed and regulated by the 25-country Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The krill supplier for Rejuvenation Science is a member of the Marine Stewardship Council and World Wildlife Federation – Norway, regularly hosting observers aboard their fishing vessels. Over the past three years, on average, the total catch across the industry was only 1/3 of 1% of the krill in Antarctic Area 48, which is significantly lower than the 9.3% allowed by CCAMLR as a safe limit for krill sustainability. The bulk of the krill catch is used for food in fish farms, while the oil is purified and concentrated for direct human consumption.
Conclusions – Why Krill Oil is More Effective Than Fish Oil
- 58 different Choline molecules in Biom3ga™ Krill Oil provide benefits independent of the synergistic benefit of the phospholipid bound omega-3 PUFAs.
- Phospholipid (choline) bound omega-3s in krill oil are more bioavavailable than triglyceride bound omega-3s in fish oil.
- In published studies using krill oil, we see improved plasma omega-3 levels and blood lipid profiles, reduced inflammation and ectopic fat deposition, reduction in PMS symptoms, increased quality of life, and increased uptake of EPA and DHA in brain tissue.
Rejuvenation Science has been studying and promoting krill oil for 10 years and with each new published study, I am seeing far more significant effects from a small dose of phospholipid-bound omega-3 PUFAs from krill oil versus the results from studies with larger doses of triglyceride-bound omega-3s in fish oil. This is due to the krill oil omega-3 phospholipid binding compatibility with phospholipid-based cellular membranes.
From a patient perspective, krill oil is easier to swallow in small (500 mg) softgels, has no repeat due to its low dosing and fast absorption, and has a pleasant smell from the unique vanilla coating on our Biom3ga™ krill oil softgels. The Marine Stewardship Council has granted MSC Certification to Rejuvenation Science’s krill oil supplier for their wild sustainable harvesting technology.
Williams, D. The Little-Known Nutrient That Can Save Your Health; Alternatives; 17:1; Jan 2014; 4-8.
Winther B, Hoem N, Elucidation of phosphatidylcholine composition in krill oil extracted from Euphausia superba; Lipids; 9/17/2010.
Deutsch L; Evaluation of the Effect of Krill Oil on Chronic Inflammation and Arthritic Symptions;J Amer Coll of Nutr; 26:1;Apr 2007; 39-48. Harris WS; The omega-3 index as a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Am J Clin Nutr; 2008;87(6):1997-2002.
Batetta B, Griinari M, Endocannabinoids may mediate the ability of (n-3) fatty acids to reduce ectopic fat and inflammatory mediators in obese Zucker rats. J Nutr; Aug 2009;139:8.
Press release: Laval, Quebec, Canada, January 4th, 2007. Krill Oil Provides up to 60% Improvement in Adult ADHD. Study withheld from publication pending pharmaceutical development.
Sampalis F, Brunea R, Evaluation of the effects of krill oil on the management of premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea. Altern Med Rev. 2003 May;8(2):171-9.
Wibrand, K. et al., “Enhanced cognitive function and antidepressant-like effects after krill oil supplementation in rats.” Lipids in Health and Disease. 2013,12:6.